New Garden

The coronavirus quarantine has given us lot more time in the backyard this week. The weather is beautiful, so we’ve begun working on a new garden.

Last year we built our first tiered garden and it worked out great. So this year we’ve decided build a second tiered garden to mirror the first.

We are hoping to grow a lot more of our own food this year. We especially love making pickles so we need twice as much space for cucumbers!

After measuring out the space for the new garden, we began to cut sod. We put the sod squares into the Turkey run as last year’s turkeys turned the run into a mud pit.

I’ve been playing a lot of Minecraft and all I can think about is how quick cutting this sod would go in the game. LOL!

Once the garden area is cleared we hope to have the wood needed to edge the garden delivered as we continue to reduce our exposure to coronavirus.