Coldfusion Monkeys

I found it incredulous that when I searched for “monkey” in Google, not only is on the 1st page, but it has two *different* links on the 1st page! I realized I was signed into Google+. I signed out and re-searched. The site is no where in the top 10 pages (though is somehow on page 8?).

I am not sure how Google is deciding this. I have “remember web history” turned off on my Google account. Could it be using the information from my contacts in Google+ circles? Many of the people are Coldfusion people. Its the only thing I can think of, unless Google is breaking the rules and using my web history anyway. Anyone have any ideas on this?

Google you try hard, but personalizing my search for funny monkey photos by filtering on Coldfusion? That just isn’t smart. Some things do go together -like chocolate and peanutbutter- but Coldfusion and monkeys do not. …Prove me wrong people, prove me wrong!